Q: I have graduated in 2018, and is currently unemployed. Can I still apply for this traineeship?
A: This traineeship is open to graduates from Universities and Polytechnics (Bachelor / Master’s or Diploma) in calendar year 2019 or 2020 and with less than 1 year of working experience. If you do not meet the criteria, you may explore other job opportunities at Mapletree Career Website.
Q: Can I leave during the traineeship?
A: Trainees are encouraged to stay on in the traineeship roles until completion. However trainees can leave the traineeship at any point in time, if there are good reasons to do so (e.g. offered a permanent job elsewhere). Before doing so, trainees should provide sufficient notice to Mapletree i.e. 1 week if you have been in service for 3 months or less; or 1 month if you have been in service for more than 3 months. Certificate of Completion will not be issued.
Q: What happens upon completion of the traineeship?
A: You will receive the Mapletree-SMU Certificate of Completion at the end of the 12 months traineeship programme. Suitable trainees may be offered career opportunities with Mapletree Group.
Q: What kind of benefits can I get on this traineeship?
A: You will receive benefits such as Annual Leave, Medical benefits and Insurance.
Q: Will there be CPF contributions during the course of the traineeship?
A: Yes, both employer and trainee are required to contribute CPF per legislations.
Q: Am I allowed to apply for traineeship vacancies if I’m currently on a contract / part-time employment?
A: Yes, however you will need to terminate your current employments and commit to full-time employment once the traineeship starts.
Q: What positions are available?
A: Mapletree will be taking in up to 30 trainees for the programme. Trainees can be expected to be deployed to different roles within Mapletree. The allocated tasks typically include research work, data cleaning and analysis, operational support, project management, etc, as assigned by the company based on individual’s specialisation, interest and past experience etc
Q: Can I choose the specific areas that I am interested to be attached to for the programme?
A: You may indicate your interests during the application process. However the final attachment will be allocated by Mapletree based on business needs and candidate suitability.
Q: Do the applicants need to have degrees / diplomas from polytechnics and autonomous universities in Singapore? Will foreign degrees be considered too?
A: The programme is open to all graduates residing in Singapore who meets the eligibility criteria, regardless of local or foreign degrees.
Q: Can the applicant’s first degree / diploma be in any discipline, or are there preferred disciplines / pre-requisites?
A: The programme is open to applicants holding diploma or degree in any discipline since this programme will provide them with some fundamental knowledge of real estate. However their disciplines, interest and experience will be considered during the shortlisting process and when allocating the shortlisted applicants to available roles.
Q: What is the selection process that applicants have to go through, any interview? If there’s an interview, is it conducted by Mapletree (only) or together with Singapore Management University (SMU)?
A: Applicants must submit complete application documents. Selection will be made by Mapletree based on applicants fulfilling eligibility criteria and having suitable discipline / interest / experience for the available roles. Applicants will have to go through at least one round of interview by Mapletree.
Q: Do trainees join SMU undergraduates in the existing real estate track lessons being held at SMU, or do they attend a specially-curated programme?
A: This is a specially-curated programme for M-TRAIN, in partnership with SMU.
Q: Do trainees attend lessons on SMU campus, or are these lessons conducted at Mapletree?
A: SMU will conduct the lessons online.
Q: Will the trainees be paid during the 12-month period, what is the salary range?
A: Yes, trainees will receive a monthly salary of $1,800 for Diploma holders, $2,000 for Degree holders and $2,200 for Master Holders.